Tuesday, 8 November 2016

THE SONG PLAYS ON - Poster Analysis #3

The Song Plays On

Media Language

This British short film called The Song Plays On, directed by Adam Spinks is a drama. However, the whole situation that is shown on the poster contradicts this as it is a very calm and also conveys a sentimental theme. The main focus is on the man sitting on a bench with his back towards us, connoting the sensitivity of the narrative. Focusing harder on the imagery you can notice a faded outline of another person, a woman sat next to him on the bench. This is a typical way of showing someone who has passed away or a ghost, however the way in which this poster represents its mise en scene elements, it is much more fitted as someone who has passed away.

This is the most significant part of this film poster. It is because it is the one element which carries the highest amount of context. The faded and less contrasted woman or man next to the elderly man can represent an old friend or companion to the man on the bench, so therefore the visual effect they have created is to generate meaning that someone has passed away. This can then convey a suggested genre to audiences as maybe a social realist film or drama. The sadness signified through the imagery and title help reinforce the genre and themes. These techniques of micro elements can attract and engage audiences as they become interested about the story to be told, this is because the poster is very confided and questionable. 

The confusing element of the poster would be this part of the main image as the other persons legs next to the man is not faded like the head is. This is almost illusional when looking at the poster, questioning if it is created on purpose or as a mistake. Another way you can understand this effect is to notice that it is representing two sides to someone, half of them are there with him and the other half is not. I believe this image is a very complex image to understand and to try and result in a conclusion for the film. 

The layout of this poster is well balanced and calming. This transpires through the use of plain colours and naturally seeing an elderly person sitting on their own or with a partner, we generally and stereotypically feel sympathetic or empathy. Noticing the title and billing bock, we can obviously contrast which the filmmaker is most wanting us to focus on, which is the image as this is the most contrasted and bold part of the poster. 
The title of the short film, The Song Plays On anchors the poster visually as we can link the two meanings to generate a direct message to audiences. For example, the title could be suggesting that although this elderly man has lost his wife, he will still live on and never ever forget her, which is mainly emphasised through 'plays on', as if he will never stop playing their song which reminds him of her.

The colour of this poster is on a greyscale, just different shades of black and white, representing the sadness within the narrative. We associate dramas with intense and sad scenes, this is conveyed through the placement of characters and setting of the poster. The man is very isolated from what we can see. The setting is very blurred and faded, however also including musical notes maybe emphasising the connections between the story of a music career and the elderly man. The setting which feels very 'dreamy' and cold could be  representing themes of death, in which maybe the elderly man experiences.

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