Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Poster research- Harper Finch

Harper Finch

Media Language
Mise En Scene 

The Mise En Scene of the poster at first glance suggest that the film is a romance/thriller this is otherwise known as a hybrid. The poster would suggest that the film has romance incorporated. I can connote this because of the male and female on the front, they are naked and are holding each other, however the positioning of the actors and facial expression suggests its more of a sexual nature than romance. The female looks relaxed and in love, in contrast the male looks worried and confused.

The title has some letters turned the wrong way round, however its not as bold as other film posters which suggest the editor wants to draw attention to another feature. The title suggests confusion or danger because it disorientates the viewer at first look. The poster is made to look like broken glass, this could suggests love loss or pain. However there is blood splattered on the female and the males hands.
The semantic codes of the poster e.g the blood, suggest that there has been a fight or someone got hurt, the preferred reading is that there relationship is emotionally painful rather than the op positional reading that the audience are likely to read it as. ( The blood is real blood from a fight or murder) The syntactic codes suggest that the couple would've stared their relationship like any others, this is shown through the body language and facial expression. although this is how their relationship started the iconograpgy of the blood and broken glass suggest that their relationship is breaking.
The conventions of film posters have been used in this poster however they are used slightly different to other posters for example, the title and billing block are usually placed differently and made the center of attention. in this film poster the actors are the center of attention and main focus point because they portray more than the title does. Actors names aren't mentioned either which suggest its a lower budget film. The poster hasn't got any star ratings or reviews that usually give us an indication on what the film is about.

The lighting is low key on the actors, however  its black around them which suggests there is danger and secrecy. it seems that the couple are stuck, this is shown through the broken glass over them which suggests a broken relationship also the dark light suggests a sense of being lost or stuck.

I think the target audience is 16-25, I think it would be best suited to an older audience compared to the other films because of the sexual and violent connotations of the image. Also the film seems to be about relationships the ups and downs and the mental strain they can have, this may not interest younger viewers. they are likely to want a Rom/Com or horror something they could relate to better. An older would be able to relate to this film better and the poster as many of the younger audience wouldn't be in or have been in an intimate relationship

1 comment:

  1. You have applied 3 concepts here - good. Try to say more about how the film appeals to its target audience, and try to use genre theory terms like iconography, semantic codes, syntactic codes, etc.
